The HOV lane or the Drive-Thru.
0 Comments Published by Durand on Friday, November 24, 2006 at 4:00 PM.

The principle is simple. Cars with one person in them make more cars on the road than those that have people car-pooling. Give cars with more people in them some insentive in the form of faster moving traffic and everyone benefits (including those going it on their own.)
Changing our lifestyles, even if only a little bit is a challenge. We jump behind the wheel of our day and get stuck in the same pattern. The Fast Food Fast is meant to help us modify our tendency to spend more money than necessary on eating, giving us additional funds for ministry.
But evidently, it's not that easy with 100 people going it on our own. It could be a lot easier if you were doing the Fast Food Fast with others.
Here's a suggestion. Many of us are part of a small group Bible study, a Sunday School class or some kind of ministry team (like a music group or choir). Talk it over with the others in your group and consider adopting the Fast Food Fast as a ministry project you can adopt together. Your group of 5-10 people may not seem like a lot, but we only need 100 people participating in the weekly fast to cover the costs of all the outreach programs we're doing for a whole year!
Think if it as an HOV lane. Together you can keep up on progress, discuss the studies in the Fast Food Fast Guide and perhaps even be part of one of the outreach projects as a group!
Get some friends together and get moving!
Contact me directly if you have any questions. MORE INFO
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